How to protect yourself from forest pests


Surely, every person making mushroom trips in the spring has encountered problems caused by common insects – mites. These parasites are most active in the spring, from May to June. Some people experience real fear during this period and limit themselves from visiting parks, squares and forest plantations.

You will agree that sitting at home on a warm spring day, and even more so on a weekend, is stupid when you can spend it with friends in nature, with a glass of cool beer and a fragrant piece of shish kebab.

In reality, the tick problem is not as big as the media makes it out to be. Yes, ticks live in the forest and in plantings, but subject to a number of rules, the risk of their bite can be minimized.

What is the danger of ticks?

In nature, there is a wide variety of ticks, but not every species poses a potential danger to humans and animals. But, despite this: many types of ticks are carriers of dangerous diseases: including encephalitis.

At the site of a tick bite, redness occurs, the skin becomes inflamed. This is accompanied by unpleasant itching and even purulent inflammation may occur.

Most often, ticks are associated precisely with the danger of infection with encephalitis. This disease poses a serious danger and can be accompanied by paralysis and in some cases, if proper medical treatment is not provided, it leads to death. The carriers of this disease are ixodid ticks.

If the tick still bit

It is best to consult a traumatologist if bitten. He will provide qualified assistance and remove the insect. When removing a tick yourself, you do not need to use tweezers, as this can cause the head to remain in the skin. It should not be pulled, but “twisted”.

A common advice is to smear the tick with oil or fat, in rare cases it leads to success, in other cases, the tick will only crawl even deeper into the skin.

If, nevertheless, the head comes off, then it must be removed like a splinter, using a sewing needle.

How to protect yourself and pets from bites

The Frontline Dog Combo will help if you are visiting the forest with your dog. After returning from the forest or park areas, carefully inspect the body for bites and seek immediate help if necessary. When dressing for a mushroom hunt, wear clothes that reliably protect your body from ticks, it is recommended to tuck your pants into socks, and the collar should fit tightly around your neck.

Following these simple rules will eliminate the risk of a tick bite.
